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Our high quality wedge levelling mounts are the ideal solution for accurate, efficient and economical levelling of a wide variety of machinery and equipment.

Stable, adjustable levelling mounts with anti-vibration variants.

Whether you are relocating existing machinery, are a machine manufacturer, or simply require a better solution for your existing installation, Farrat can help.


Farrat Wedgemounts are designed to cover all standard requirements and are available in 10 sizes, offering load capacities up to 25 tonne per mount.

We provide three standard damping options, three installation options and a range of suitable accessories including Screw Assemblies, Anti-Vibration Washers and Spheriseats.

Looking for Wedgemount Accessories?

Spheriseats (SPS), Bolt-On Screw Assemblies (SN), Anti-vibration Washers (AWR)

Farrat Freestanding (F)

The machine rests on the Wedgemount with no bolted connection. The top pad aids damping and provides a high friction surface for the machine foot to grip to.

Grade A – Standard Grade B – Stiff Grade E – Very Stiff

GRADE A – Standard Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-F-1R-A 1,000 115 80 60 5 17/8 2.1
2R 1WL-F-2R-A 900 150 75 60 5 19/10 2.8
2S 1WL-F-2S-A 1,300 115 115 66 6 19/10 3.6
3R 1WL-F-3R-A 1,900 200 95 66 6 22/12 5.4
3S 1WL-F-3S-A 2,300 150 150 66 6 19/10 6.0
4S 1WL-F-4S-A 4,000 200 200 66 6 22/12 10.4
5R 1WL-F-5R-A 3,000 250 115 90 9 24/12 12.6
5S 1WL-F-5S-A 5,000 200 200 92 10 30/17 14.7
6R 1WL-F-6R-A 6,000 200 250 92 10 30/17 18.3
7R 1WL-F-7R-A 9,000 250 330 90 9 30/17 31.2
GRADE B – Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-F-1R-B 1,300 115 80 47 5 17/8 1.9
2R 1WL-F-2R-B 1,200 150 75 47 5 19/10 2.6
2S 1WL-F-2S-B 1,600 115 115 53 6 19/10 3.3
3R 1WL-F-3R-B 2,200 200 95 53 6 22/12 5.0
3S 1WL-F-3S-B 3,000 150 150 53 6 19/10 5.5
4S 1WL-F-4S-B 5,000 200 200 53 6 22/12 9.4
5R 1WL-F-5R-B 4,000 250 115 77 9 24/12 11.9
5S 1WL-F-5S-B 6,000 200 200 79 10 30/17 13.7
6R 1WL-F-6R-B 7,000 200 250 79 10 30/17 17.4
7R 1WL-F-7R-B 10,000 250 330 77 9 30/17 29.5
GRADE E – Very Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-F-1R-E 3,000 115 80 44 5 17/8 1.9
2R 1WL-F-2R-E 3,000 150 75 44 5 19/10 2.5
2S 1WL-F-2S-E 4,000 115 115 50 6 19/10 3.3
3R 1WL-F-3R-E 6,000 200 95 50 6 22/12 4.9
3S 1WL-F-3S-E 7,000 150 150 50 6 19/10 5.3
4S 1WL-F-4S-E 12,000 200 200 50 6 22/12 9.2
5R 1WL-F-5R-E 9,000 250 115 74 9 24/12 11.8
5S 1WL-F-5S-E 12,000 200 200 76 10 30/17 13.5
6R 1WL-F-6R-E 14,000 200 250 76 10 30/17 17.1
7R 1WL-F-7R-E 25,000 250 330 74 9 30/17 29.0

Farrat Bolt-On (B)

The machine is bolted to the Wedgemount which sits on the floor ensuring a fixed connection between the Wedgemount and machine.

This helps with machine installation as the Wedgemount can be fitted to the machine prior to final machine placement.

Grade F – Standard Grade G – Stiff Grade H – Very Stiff

GRADE F – Standard Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Thread(C) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-B-1R-F 900 115 80 55 5 17/8 M12 45 17 2.1
2S 1WL-B-2S-F 1,300 115 115 61 6 19/10 M16 50 24 3.5
3S 1WL-B-3S-F 2,300 150 150 61 6 19/10 M20 60 24 5.8
4S 1WL-B-4S-F 4,000 200 200 61 6 22/12 M20 75 27 10.0
5S 1WL-B-5S-F 5,000 200 200 87 10 30/17 M20 97 27 14.3
6R 1WL-B-6R-F 6,000 200 250 87 10 30/17 M20 95 27 17.9
7R 1WL-B-7R-F 9,000 250 330 85 9 30/17 M24 125 105 30.5
GRADE G – Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Thread(C) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-B-1R-G 1,200 115 80 45 5 17/8 M12 45 17 1.9
2S 1WL-B-2S-G 1,600 115 115 51 6 19/10 M16 50 24 3.5
3S 1WL-B-3S-G 3,000 150 150 51 6 19/10 M20 60 24 5.4
4S 1WL-B-4S-G 5,000 200 200 51 6 22/12 M20 75 27 9.3
5S 1WL-B-5S-G 6,000 200 200 77 10 30/17 M20 97 27 13.6
6R 1WL-B-6R-G 7,000 200 250 77 10 30/17 M20 95 27 16.9
7R 1WL-B-7R-G 10,000 250 330 75 9 30/17 M24 125 105 29.2
GRADE H – Very Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Thread(C) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-B-1R-G 1,200 115 80 45 5 17/8 M12 45 17 1.9
2S 1WL-B-2S-G 1,600 115 115 51 6 19/10 M16 50 24 3.5
3S 1WL-B-3S-G 3,000 150 150 51 6 19/10 M20 60 24 5.4
4S 1WL-B-4S-G 5,000 200 200 51 6 22/12 M20 75 27 9.3
5S 1WL-B-5S-G 6,000 200 200 77 10 30/17 M20 97 27 13.6
6R 1WL-B-6R-G 7,000 200 250 77 10 30/17 M20 95 27 16.9
7R 1WL-B-7R-G 10,000 250 330 75 9 30/17 M24 125 105 29.2

Farrat Bolt-Through (T)

The machine is bolted through the Wedgemount and into the foundation. This option provides the stiffest connection and is used for large bed / low stiffness machines where the foundation can add to the stiffness of the machine.

Anti-vibration washers are required with this option to prevent vibration bridging through the bolted connection.

Grade F – Standard Grade G – Stiff Grade H – very Stiff

GRADE F – Standard Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Hole size(mm) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-T-1R-F 900 115 80 55 5 17/8 14 45 17 2.1
2S 1WL-T-2S-F 1,300 115 115 61 6 19/10 18 50 24 3.5
3S 1WL-T-3S-F 2,300 150 150 61 6 19/10 23 60 24 5.8
4S 1WL-T-4S-F 4,000 200 200 61 6 22/12 23 75 27 10.0
5S 1WL-T-5S-F 5,000 200 200 87 10 30/17 22 97 27 14.3
6R 1WL-T-6R-F 6,000 200 250 87 10 30/17 24 95 27 17.9
7R 1WL-T-7R-F 9,000 250 330 85 9 30/17 26 125 105 30.5
GRADE G – Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Hole size(mm) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-T-1R-G 1,200 115 80 45 5 17/8 14 45 17 1.9
2S 1WL-T-2S-G 1,600 115 115 51 6 19/10 18 50 24 3.5
3S 1WL-T-3S-G 4,000 150 150 51 6 19/10 23 60 24 5.4
4S 1WL-T-4S-G 5,000 200 200 51 6 22/12 23 75 27 9.3
5S 1WL-T-5S-G 6,000 200 200 77 10 30/17 22 97 27 13.6
6R 1WL-T-6R-G 7,000 200 250 77 10 30/17 24 95 27 16.9
7R 1WL-T-7R-G 10,000 250 330 75 9 30/17 26 125 105 29.2
GRADE H – Very Stiff Damping Grade
Size Part Ref Load (Kg) L (mm) W (mm) H (mm) N± (mm) AF (mm) Hole size(mm) D(mm) E(mm) Mass (Kg)
1R 1WL-T-1R-H 3,000 115 80 42 5 17/8 14 45 17 1.8
2S 1WL-T-2S-H 4,000 115 115 48 6 19/10 18 50 24 3.2
3S 1WL-T-3S-H 7,000 150 150 48 6 19/10 23 60 24 5.3
4S 1WL-T-4S-H 12,000 200 200 48 6 22/12 23 75 27 9.0
5S 1WL-T-5S-H 12,000 200 200 74 10 30/17 22 97 27 13.3
6R 1WL-T-6R-H 14,000 200 250 74 10 30/17 24 95 27 16.9
7R 1WL-T-7R-H 25,000 250 330 72 9 30/17 26 125 105 28.8

Features & Benefits

  • Enhanced mechanical advantage for easier levelling
  • Enhanced machine stability which provides high stiffness and support in both horizontal and vertical directions
  • Damping pads reduce vibration within the machine and isolation of the foundation below
  • Easy installation and relocation of machines
  • Flexibility in applications where high loads and/or damping is required

Machinery Applications

Machine tools, Boring & Milling, CNC lathes, Test equipment, Injection moulding, Printing, Grinding, Transfer, Rolling Mills and Long Bed machinery.

Contact us

Please select the best route to suit your requirements. Whether you require technical help or you’d like to make a general enquiry. The team are here and always ready to support you.

UK & International Enquiries

Farrat Isolevel Ltd, Balmoral Road, Altrincham, Greater Manchester, WA15 8HJ, United Kingdom.

Telephone: +44 161 924 1600
Email: [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 08:30 to 17:00
Friday: 08:30 to 16:00