Vibration Inspection Enhances Quality at Manufacturer in Greece


Project Overview

They were experiencing marking problems on the strip, which led to frequent roll changes, mill downtime, and reduced productivity. Our customer sought our expertise to identify the source of the marking problem and find a solution to improve their production process.

The Challenge

The problem in our customer’s strip production mill was causing significant disruptions in their operations.

The frequent roll changes resulted in downtime on the mill, leading to decreased productivity. Our customer needed to identify the root cause of the marking problem and implement measures to mitigate it effectively.

The Solution

To address our customer’s challenge, we conducted an onsite vibration investigation. Our team traced the problem component to a machine that serviced the mill. We analysed the machine’s performance and identified areas for improvement. Based on our findings, we made necessary changes to the component to enhance its functionality and optimise its performance in servicing the mill. By identifying the specific component causing the marking problem and implementing the necessary changes, our customer gained valuable insights into their production process.

They are now in the process of fixing the component to reduce the frequency of roll changes in the mill. This solution will help our customer minimise downtime, increase productivity, and improve overall efficiency in their strip production operations. Through our expertise and onsite investigation, we were able to assist our customer in identifying and resolving the marking problem in their strip production mill.

Partner Profile

By partnering directly with our customer and implementing the necessary changes, their operations are now on track to reduce roll changes, increase productivity, and improve their overall operational efficiency.

This successful project highlights the importance of thorough analysis and targeted solutions in addressing manufacturing challenges and our working closely with our customers to solve any problems in a direct and efficient manner.

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