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PAT & FAT Testing

These are extremely useful set of measurement tests that we carry out for the buyer of a grinding machine, when the machine that he bought is still at the manufacturer’s plant (Pre Acceptance Tests).

Pre and Final Acceptance Tests on new & re-furbished machines (PAT & FAT)

FAT Testing

FAT tests are similar in nature and are carried out at the customer’s site. The emphasis on these is to ensure that the transit of the machine and its installation on the new location do not bring about any new potential vibration sources.

Contact us

Please select the best route to suit your requirements. Whether you require technical help or you’d like to make a general enquiry. The team are here and always ready to support you.

UK & International Enquiries

Farrat Isolevel Ltd, Balmoral Road, Altrincham, Greater Manchester, WA15 8HJ, United Kingdom.

Telephone: +44 161 924 1600
Email: [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 08:30 to 17:00
Friday: 08:30 to 16:00