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Acoustic washers (AWR)

Why choose Farrat AWR Acoustic Washers?


  • Can be used with acoustic / anti vibration pads to provide vibration isolation across bolt through fixings for stability and security
  • If an acoustic washer is omitted then the anti vibration pad will be bypassed by the fixing bolt and offer limited isolation and the vibration can be transmitted through the fixing bolt
  • They are manufactured for durability, performance and ease of onsite installation by vulcanising zinc plated washer to a Chloroprene (Neoprene) acoustic washer and sleeve (bush)
  • Good oil, chemical and fire resistance
  • Operating temperature range from –10 to +90 ºC
  • Fire rating / building material class: B2

Typical Applications

Typical applications include any bolt through connection which requires isolation such as:

  • Steelwork Isolation in building structures
  • Machine tool holding down bolts
  • Isolation of studwork wall channels (in conjunction the FAVIM)

Contact us

Please select the best route to suit your requirements. Whether you require technical help or you’d like to make a general enquiry. The team are here and always ready to support you.

UK & International Enquiries

Farrat Isolevel Ltd, Balmoral Road, Altrincham, Greater Manchester, WA15 8HJ, United Kingdom.

Telephone: +44 161 924 1600
Email: [email protected]

Monday – Thursday: 08:30 to 17:00
Friday: 08:30 to 16:00